Thursday, November 20, 2008

RSG: Trial Prep

Trial of Chairman Mao: Witness Question Sheet
Directions: You as a witness are to write four questions and answers in the perspective of your character using the book as a reference. You should find passages from the novel in support of Chairman Mao OR evidence against him depending the side of the case you are representing. Remember to USE page numbers and POST these questions on your blog. Lawyers, use this document to create cross-examination questions. Two per character should be sufficient.

Character: Student Name:

1. Question: Do the teachers treat you the same way they treat Ji-Li? If not, how?
Answer: I am a victim school. I denounce a revisionist educational system. Being a working class family. I have to do a lot more housework than students from rich families. SO I have difficulty passing exams. I was forced to repeat grades three times. And I was not allow to be young Pioneer or to participate in their choir. The teacher think only of grads when evaluating a student. They forget we, the working class. are the masters of our socialist country. (included page #41-42)

2. Question: ?

Answer: I really like da-zi-baos. It helps become more confident to the great country of China. It change my life from hesitant and clumsy to vocal, aggressive and confident. I'm not afraid anymore, it helps me to change the world to a better place. I want tobring down the bourgeoisie and the five black categories. It make china to be an equal rigths country. Those people who lives in a capitalist lifestyle are bad people, they don't want to follow the great Chairman Mao's right. (included page # 45-47)

3. Question: Does Ji-Li respect her classmates the same way her classmates respect her? If not, how?

Answer: Ji-Li is had considered one of the five black catgories. Both his father and grandfather are bad people. Her father is a rgthist and her randfather is a landlord. She was insulting Deng Yi-yi since she is a poor person and she call her aPauper. Since she has a worst family background. She yelled at me of black whelping her, well she is one of the black categories. They do need to remold themsleves.They should reflect on your class origin and throughly remold themselves from their ideology (include page #65-66)

4. Question: Did you talk to Ji-Li before, You did told her what thingsthat can make her life better. What was it?

Answer: I told her to change her future. It is the culture revolution, we supposed to destroy all da-dhui-zhang. We don't need the teachers anymore, we don't need their protection anymore. WE got Mao. She didn't even want to critizize her teacher since she had feelings to them. Like I said before, She can change her future. She can change what she is right now, to something that can made china a better country. (include page #68-71)

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